Gain insights analyses data content

with AI from your community

The only AI that can deliver tailor-made and market-relevant data to you in real-time!

Shape The Future

Analyze your social network / community

How about if you simply ask your question, and the AI provides you with real-time trend analyses and user statistics from your own community?

SQL meets AI

An AI that analyzes your Web4 database in real-time

You own a Web4 network with Linkspreed? Then we provide the database access, and you can use our AI to capture all data from the database in real-time!

  • No programming knowledge required
  • Straight to business and grow your sales
  • We enable growth through market-relevant data
  • An AI that analyzes your network in real-time
Let's Chat

AI for everyone

Whether your employees are from sales, development teams, or the C-level - our AI understands all needs and delivers the right analyses at any time.

GPT Support

We support ChatGPT

Your staff chat like with ChatGPT, their inputs turn to database code, sent to your network database, and they get detailed analyses and results.

How it works

Simple steps, unlimited possibilities

We're happy to assist you in the straightforward setup of the AI within 5 minutes.

Powerful Features

Already 22,000 communities are using Web4 AI

The time of painstakingly analyzing and evaluating data from customers and partners is now over!

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Verbinden und Synchronisieren

Verbinde und synchronisiere deine Datenbank

Nachdem wir den Datenbankzugang mit der KI verbunden haben bleibt die KI immer auf dem neusten Stand.

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Anpassen & Feinabstimmung

Passe das KI-System an dein Netzwerk an

Verfeinere deine KI, indem du ihr mehr über dein soziales Netzwerk erzählst. Je mehr Informationen du bereitstellst, desto besser werden die Analysen der KI sein.

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Automatisiere deine KI Analysen

Du musst die KI nur einmal mit der Datenbank verbinden, und die KI ist immer bereit, das Community-Netzwerk für dich zu analysieren.

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KI Assistent

Jederzeit und überall einsatzbereit

Die KI ist dein Assistent, wann immer du sie brauchst. Egal wann oder wo - unsere KI liefert immer Echtzeitdaten zu deinem Netzwerk oder analysiert die neuesten Trends!

Flexible Pricing

Prices tailored to your needs

The pricing for the use of the database and AI varies depending on the company, organization, community, and market. Feel free to contact our sales team to get a personalized initial assessment!


These real-life stories showcase the impact we make every day

The best way to showcase our commitment is through the experiences and stories of those who have partnered with us.

Frederic Hill Founder & CEO

We were able to test the first demo of the AI in our company with around 50 customers, and it's incredible how we could grasp the needs of our small community in just 10 seconds.

Linda Grape Marketing

The AI is tailored directly to our community from the outset through the database. No training and no datasets are necessary. The AI knows exactly what you need to work efficiently.

Emile Hindt Data Engineer

An immense time and resource saving. Utilizing the database as a dataset is revolutionary in understanding our 2000-user community better!

Get Started

Connect your community with AI

The dataset is already available, the AI is ready, and you? Are you ready to shape the future?